Saturday, October 5, 2024
Guiding Rules

Education Rules and Regulations

The academic regulations outline important aspects of education at SKUMS. Training in all the universities of the country is based on a single system. In a unitary system, the value of each lesson is measured by the number of units related to that lesson, and the student’s admittance to a lesson is limited to the same lesson.

A new edition of the Education Regulations is released every academic year and is applicable to all students, no matter when you started. It is based on your major.

Academic Year

Academic Year


Each semester consists of 17 weeks and each summer semester lasts for 6 weeks of training.


Student attendance at all sessions is mandatory for each lesson, and student absences for theoretical lessons, practical lessons, internships, and internships in the field must not exceed a total of 4/17, 2/17, and 1/10 lessons per week respectively. Otherwise, the student score in these lessons will be considered as zero.

Absence in the Exam

Absence in class lessons up to the specified limit is allowed on the condition that it is justified by providing the documented evidence and the recognition of the relevant professor. The course of dealing with students’ absence, either justified or unjustified, is by the professor as well as the approval of the faculty.

Remove and Add a Unit

Students can take up to two more lessons in either semester only in less than two weeks after the beginning of the semester, or remove two lessons or change them with two other courses provided that the number of units they have obtained has not exceeded the limit.

Absence during the first two weeks of each lesson is not allowed due to removal and/or any other reason, and if it happens, the maximum student absenteeism will be considered and executed according to the above-mentioned rules and regulations. In the event of an emergency, the student can only delete one of his theoretical courses by approving the relevant training group for up to 5 weeks, provided that, firstly, the absence of students in that course does not exceed more than 4/17 of total hours of that lesson, and secondly, the number of remaining units will not be lower than 12 units.

Evaluation Criteria

Assessment of students’ progress in each lesson is based on attendance and activity in the classroom, conducting educational activities, and midterm and final exam results. The professor of each course is the reference point for student assessment in that class. It is imperative to hold a semester test for each course.

The result of the assessment of the academic achievement of the student is determined in the form of a score, and the student grades in each lesson are numerically between zero and twenty. The lowest score of admission in each theoretical and practical course is 10 out of 20 and for apprenticeship and apprenticeship in the field is 12 out of 20. A student who fails in any of the compulsory courses is obliged to repeat it at the earliest opportunity. However, the grades of all the courses, including acceptance and rejection, are recorded in the Student’s Record and are calculated in relation to the average and total mean scores.

Conditional Registration

The average student grades in any semester should not be less than 12. Otherwise, the student registration will be conditional in the next academic semester.

Process of Withdrawal

Submitting a withdrawal application to the school Department of education.

Checking the educational status of the student by the school Department of education.

Referral of the student to the counseling unit of Vice-Chancellery of Student by the school Department of education based on the approved format.

Sending the opinion of counseling to the school Department of education.

Sending the opinion of counseling and the student’s application to the manager of International Education Center by the school Department of education.

Reviewing the opinion of counseling and the student’s application in the Shahab Council (International student’s Educational Council).

Submitting a settlement form to the student by the school Department of education if the council agrees to withdraw.

Completing the settlement form and submitting it to the school Department of education.

Sending the completed withdrawal form to the manager of International Education Center by the school Department of education.

Handing over the student card and the original settlement form and completing the student withdrawal file.

Students Rules and Regulations

Students are expected to conform to the high standards of modesty and be bound to the rules and regulations maintained by SKUMS upon the first day of residence in Shahrekord. This section defines what is the code of conduct for you as our international student. As you must abide by the University rules, you should familiarize yourself with them. The University authority may take disciplinary action if any student violates the University rules and regulations.

Disciplinary Regulations

  • Students should not act in any manner that constitutes or appears to constitute a threat or intimidation or is injurious, physically or mentally, to the well-being and safety of any other student or any member of staff of the University.
  • Students should behave with dignity and courtesy inside and outside the University.
  • Students should not conduct themselves, whether within or outside the University, in any manner which is detrimental or prejudicial to the interest, well-being or good name of the University, any of the students, staff, officers or employees of the University, or to public order, safety or security, or to morality, decency or discipline.
  • Students should comply with written law, rules, regulations orders and procedures, whether within or outside the University.
  • Students should avoid disturbing any teaching, study, research, administrative work, students or employees at the University.
  • No book, paper, document, etc. is permitted during an exam session, except those allowed by the examiner.
  • Students are allowed to start organizations or groups only after getting prior permission from the chancellor or the dean of the school.
  • Any student who is found to be in a state of intoxication under the influence of liquor including but not limited to any other substance that may cause intoxication within or outside the University should be guilty of a disciplinary offence.
  • No student should, within or outside the University, have in his possession any article, which is considered as obscene or pornographic under the Islamic moral, norms and values.
  • The distribution, circulation or exhibitions of any obscene article within the University is considered illegal.
  • Students are not allowed to keep or carry liquor, dangerous drugs or poison with them on or off campus.
  • No student should give, supply, provide or offer or propose to give, supply, provide or offer any liquor, dangerous drugs or poison to any person.
  • No student should consume orally or smoke or inhale, or introduce into their body by injection or in any other manner whatsoever, any dangerous drugs or poison.
  • Any student who is found to be under the influence of any dangerous drugs or poison should be guilty of a disciplinary offence.
  • The University may require students suspected to be drug dependent to submit themselves for urine test. If a student refuses to submit themselves to this test, they commit a disciplinary offence.
  • Smoking within the University is forbidden.
  • A student should not do anything that may be prejudicial to the cleanliness and neatness of a student’s living accommodation within the University, or of any other building or structure or any other part within the University. A student shall not make any sound or noise, or cause any sound or noise to be produced, by any means or in any manner, where such noise or sound causes or is likely to cause annoyance or disturbance to any person within the University.
  • The University may require a student suspected to have a mental disorder to submit himself/herself for medical examination by a qualified medical practitioner.
  • Students may adopt the Islamic dress if they so desire. Otherwise, they should dress in accordance with the University Dress Code.
  • Any student who is inappropriately attired will be barred from entering all academic and administration buildings and shall be guilty of a disciplinary offence.
  • No student is allowed to be a member of a political party, inside or outside the University.
  • Close proximity between unmarried couples, or individuals (not being a mahram) or being in physical proximity between opposite genders or of the same gender in any suspicious situation(s) or in any condition(s) which may raise suspicions as to the real motive of the acts(s) and/or all kinds of deviant behaviors are not allowed. “Suspicious situations” and “deviant activities” here include all, but not limited to sexual activities with or without the consent of the involved parties.
  • Students found doing any of the following acts would be deemed as violating this rule:
    • Caressing any part of the partner’s body
    • Smooching
    • Hugging
    • Kissing
    • Sitting in close proximity to each other in isolation from other people in situation or position that could raise suspicion as to the real motive of the act, holding hands
  • No person not being a mahram is permitted to, within or outside the University, engage in any kind of sexual conduct with any member of the University or visitor to the University which may also include other serious or persistent unwanted sexual contact or conduct, such as harassment, threats, intimidation or unwanted touching or fondling. If a student of the University is charged with a criminal offence in civil or Islamic law, he shall immediately thereupon be suspended from being a student of the University and shall not, during the pendency of the criminal proceedings, remain in or enter the University, unless otherwise decided by the University.
  • When it appears to a Disciplinary Authority that a student has committed a disciplinary offence, the Disciplinary Authority shall proceed with further investigation.
  • The Disciplinary Authority may issue a notice to the student to attend before the Disciplinary Authority to give statement in writing within a specified period or on the date specified in the notice.
  • The Disciplinary Authority has the absolute discretion either to accept the written explanation given by the student or to proceed with the disciplinary hearing.
  • The proper relationship between the opposite sexes and the acceptable attire of students are part and parcel of the University’s identity and accordingly the same should be clearly defined. As an Islamic University, the University expects the students to observe the values and norms of moral propriety, decent behavior and respectable attire that together reflect the identity that the University wishes to project and nurture. The following Orders, in addition to the existing ones, are meant to reinforce the importance of the above objectives and help the students to live up and uphold the high level of Islamic adab (manners and ethics) and decent behavior.
  • Students are required to comply with University rules and regulations and shall not act in any way that may be interpreted as disrespectful to Islam or the Islamic University.
  • No male and female students should sit together unless in the designated areas provided by the University from time to time.
  • Male and female students should at all times practice the principle of modesty, respectable interaction and proper decorum in public places, during meetings, sporting and cultural activities, gatherings or when dealing with each other so as to avoid all kinds of suspicions or misunderstandings.
  • Male and female students should not practice or participate in any physical activities or outings together in such a way that would arouse public concern or suspicion that a situation of permissiveness or promiscuity exists between the opposite sexes.
  • Married students should inform the University authorities of the fact of being married in writing and they should not behave between themselves in public in a way that would create suspicion or misperception on the part of the public. National dresses/attires may be worn provided that they do not violate or infringe the University’s requirements and Islamic values and norms.
  • Vanity or ostentation should not be a motive in putting on of any dress or attire.
  • The attire of men shall not resemble that of the women’s as far as a female Muslim student is concerned, and vice versa.
  • As far as a female Muslim student is concerned, her attire must cover the aurah (as provided under the Islamic law). Save for the face and the palm, the attire should cover the whole body. Any form of clothing that covers the whole face is prohibited.
  • Attires shall not be tight fitting.
  • The attire should be made from such material such that the color of the skin and shape of the body would not be visible. Dress materials should not be transparent or reveal the contour of the body.
  • Sarongs and skirts without slits may be worn if they are loose and must be long enough to reach and cover the ankles.
  • Skirts which are tight or which do not cover the ankles are not allowed.
  • Excessive accessories, strong perfumes and facial make-ups are not allowed.
  • Pants should not be tight fitting or figure hugging; they should be loose and cover the ankles.
  • Pants should be worn only with a long, loose upper dress, which covers the hip. The upper dress should not have long slits or side cuts, which reveal the hip or thigh area.
  • A loose-fitting blouse and upper dress may be worn provided they have long sleeves reaching the wrists and covering the hips as well.
  • The head-cover should properly cover the head and should not reveal the hair, neck, chest and shoulders.
  • Footwear should cover the feet, and the heels of the footwear should not be excessively high. Slippers are forbidden. The attire of the male Muslim students must cover the aurah (as provided under the Islamic law) of the male body. Slippers, non-strip sandals, round neck T-shirts, tight-fitting trousers or pants should not be worn by students during lectures, tutorials, official University functions and other formal activities as well as within the proximity of the SUMS administrative and faculty buildings and centers. In all the above occasions, jeans are absolutely not allowed.
  • Shirts and collared T-shirts are allowed to be worn when attending classes. The shirts and collared T-shirts should be tucked in the trousers at all times.
  • Neck and wrist chains should not be worn except for medical purposes or on religious and/or traditional grounds.
  • The length of the hair should not extend beyond the collar and the hairstyle should not be of unusual or extraordinary. Unnecessary dyeing or coloring of hair is prohibited.
  • The areas of the body between the navel and the knee shall be covered in public at all times including in the halls of residence and all public premises, except under permissible circumstances such as sporting events.

In case of violating or defying any rule or committing any crime listed above or any other prohibitive action, the following punishments may be awarded by the SKUMS:

Postal Address: Deputy of Research and Technology, Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences, Kashani Blvd., Shahrekord, Iran
Tel: +98-38-33349509
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