Saturday, October 5, 2024
Research Development and Evaluation
Research Development and Evaluation
Aims and Vision

Conducting fundamental and applied research in order to respond to the needs of the society with respect to health and promote research equity; quantitative and qualitative improvement.
Currently, the Center seeks to conduct quality and practical research and change the approach towards effective, problem-oriented and demand-oriented research projects.
The visions are increasing research projects leading to 1. production of science, 2. production of products and technology, and 3. publication of quality articles in the leading 25% journals in the world;
Increasing the procurement of research budgets from outside the university, appropriate research and technology interaction with other provincial and national scientific and research institutions (Nimad Research Institute, Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology, Provincial Elite Foundation and Science and Technology Parks), using the potential of Iranian medical sciences researchers abroad and seeking to interact with the University’s or the province’s researchers who live abroad; and conducting basic research in line with the priorities of the University.
In addition to maintaining the existing infrastructure, creating new research platforms, including postdoctoral research courses, physician-scientists, research assistants, and research soldiers, and attracting PhD students are among the priorities.

The number of articles of Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences indexed in ISI The number of articles of Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences indexed in ISI Completed research projects of the University
Facilities and equipment
The number of articles of Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences indexed in ISI The number of articles of Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences indexed in ISI Other Information

Research Development and Evaluation Center has consistently made efforts to support researchers in various fields, in addition to laying the grounds for conducting practical, problem-oriented and effective research projects; as well as laying the grounds to increase research-based decision-making.
In general, the Center was formed with the aim of expanding and facilitating research among faculty members, students and experts affiliated to the University.
The activities of the center are generally related to five areas (policy making; empowerment; strengthening and development of research centers; incentive policies; research projects).
The most important activities of the Center include handling of research projects (theses and otherwise) with respect to budgeting, research ethics and research councils; handling and granting of research grants, supervision, support and strengthening of the University-affiliated research centers.
Implementation, monitoring and updating of approved guidelines in various fields of research; performance assessment, evaluation and supervision of the implementation of the University’s research-related activities.
Developing research culture and universalizing research and technology, codifying and updating research priorities in the form of short and long-term programs, managing and optimizing the system of financial resources in the field of research, supporting clinical research development centers and expanding the interactions of faculty members of basic sciences departments with clinical faculty members.
training capable research-oriented human resources, compiling and updating various research processes of the University, developing the translation and transfer of the produced knowledge, making macro-policies related to research and technology for the University through holding the Research Council

handling affairs related to the recruitment of research assistants, research soldiers, postdoctoral fellows, study opportunities, etc. Policymaking

The University Research Council is the highest council at the University for policymaking and planning in the research field. In the past year, while holding regular monthly meetings, it has established macro research policies relevant to research and technology so as to change the direction of research.
This change of direction was aimed at moving from non-applied routine research to research based on society's needs and demand.
Also, drafting guidelines for supporting technological and product-oriented activities has been one of the other approvals.
Approvals and policies have been made in the field of student research and technology, study opportunities, post-doctoral studies, holding various research events and supporting university journals to improve the scientific rank.
Planning: The strategic plan of the Vice-Chancellor (2022-2026) was formulated after the formation of the Strategic Plan Drafting Committee.
In this program, while determining the mission and vision of the Vice-Chancellor for the next 4 years, goals and strategies were codified with emphasis on practical and problem-oriented research, production of knowledge-based products and commercialization of research findings.
In this program, the documentation of the progress of the activities and plans carried out at the end of each season is uploaded and self-declared in the system, and after the review by the evaluation officials of the Research and Technology Vice-Chancellor of the Ministry, the level of realization of the plans will be determined.
According to the latest compliance assessment report sent to the University, 99% of the set plans have been realized. The special program of the Vice-chancellor for Research and Technology was compiled in 2023 and is still being implemented.
Knowledge translation is a dynamic and iterative process that includes the production, dissemination, exchange and correct and ethical use of knowledge to improve health and provide more effective healthcare services and products, and promote healthcare.
Vice-chancellor for Research and Technology of Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences took measures in the field of knowledge translation in line with the policies and indicators notified by the Ministry, the most important of which is the formation of a knowledge translation work team at the Vice-chancellor and in line with the main indicators of knowledge translation to The following is the necessary policy.
Increasing the preparation and inclusion of news resulting from completed research projects in the knowledge translation system; codifying clinical guidelines for diseases, codifying policy summaries, codifying media produced in line with the dissemination of university research findings for specific target groups (films, brochures, etc.) are some measures taken to improve the level of knowledge translation in the University.
According to the latest evaluation, which was done for the first time in 2021, Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences, with a score of 43.2 out of 100 possible points, has been placed in the 9th place among second type universities, which is expected with the policies implemented in the evaluation. In the future, we will see the promotion of this position.
Comprehensive Research Laboratory: According to the recent policies of the Vice-Chancellor for Research and Technology of the Ministry of Health, Treatment and Medical Education, the general plan of the Comprehensive Research Laboratory of Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences was codified based on the macro policies of the Ministry in 2016 as per an agreement signed between Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences and the Vice-Chancellor for Research and Technology of the Ministry was compiled and since 2017, the Laboratory has developed its activities after settling in the Basic Health Sciences Research Institute using past experiences.
To strengthen and develop a network-oriented approach in the field of laboratory activities related to research in the University and affiliated research centers, the Laboratory prepared devices, advanced laboratory equipment and provided suitable conditions for the use of faculty members, researchers and students for the development and completion of research projects.
Recently, the membership status of the Comprehensive Research Laboratory of the University in the Laboratory Network of Strategic Technologies of the Vice Presidency for Science and Technology was upgraded to the competent level.
SCSA test was launched to provide fertility services in the Laboratory. The initial steps to set up a laboratory for genetic diagnosis of diseases (with priority for genetic diagnosis and thalassemia screening) have also been taken in the Laboratory.
Registry of diseases and health outcomes: The purpose of registry of diseases is to create a reliable source of information about the disease/health status in the society for patient-oriented research and effective health care measures.
Currently, Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences participates in the registry program of 9 diseases (benign tumor of the pituitary gland; premalignant disorders of the oral cavity; stroke; urinary stones; hydatid disease; multiple sclerosis; celiac disease; inflammatory bowel disease; cardiovascular disease).
Clinical research development units have been established in Hajar (PBUH) and Ayatollah Kashani Hospitals of Shahrekord and are currently delivering services to respective clients.
Examining and approving research projects and theses, conducting clinical trials, providing consulting services at various stages of research, holding educational workshops handling the needs of faculty members, researchers and learners, as well as holding a research council is among the activities of the units.
The Shahrekord Cohort Study is a longitudinal and cohort study based on the Shahrekord population (Shahrekord Cohort Study: SCS), which includes the study of health and non-communicable diseases in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province.
In Shahrekord Cohort Center, the data of a 10,000-individual population from the Province is available along with its biobank and can be used in research projects and theses of university researchers.

The number of articles of Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences indexed in ISI Activities
The number of articles of Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences indexed in ISI
Postal Address: Deputy of Research and Technology, Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences, Kashani Blvd., Shahrekord, Iran
Tel: +98-38-33349509
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